Best Tips to Study Effectively for Exams
Studying Effectively For Exams
As August draws to a close, that means that your exams are only a couple of months away. We know how stressful this can be, but don’t worry, we are here to help. First, calm down and then take a look at some of the great tips we have put...
Find Educational Tablets for Kids in South Africa
Learning on blackboards has given way to learning on virtual whiteboards as technology in education has advanced. Today, education is expanding to provide e-Learning on smartphones, handheld computers, and notebook computers. Technology is an integral part of our society...
5 Tips to Enhance Mathematical Skills
How do I improve my math skills?
Given the important part, maths plays in our daily lives, from calculating how much time it may take approximately to finish a task to working out the shopping budget for the week, our children need to develop sound mathematical skills at a...
E-learning Software Solutions In South Africa
Online education and educational software are booming in almost all regions worldwide, and South Africa is no exception, with growth in the educational software sector. Statista projects the online education sector in South Africa to grow 10.25% annually between 2023 and...
How to Teach Your Child to Think for Themselves?
Independent thoughts are essential for raising well-rounded, independent individuals capable of navigating the complexities of the modern world.
How to prevent burnout from studying for your child?
Academic or study burnout is a growing concern among students, educators, and parents. It is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, often related to school and academic performance.
16 Common Mistakes Learners Make During an Examination
Examinations are an essential part of the educational journey, and they can significantly impact a student’s academic performance. However, despite the importance of exams, many learners make common mistakes that can affect their performance negatively.
How to Pass Maths in South Africa – 12 tips
The importance of math cannot be overstated, as it forms the basis for critical thinking and problem-solving skills, essential in today’s fast-paced and changing world. This article will explore practical strategies to help South African students to pass math. Let’s jump in!
Positive Attitude Towards Math
Encouraging a positive attitude towards maths in your child is essential for their success in school and beyond.
5 Benefits of Online Learning
The world of education is changing rapidly. It’s no secret that the digital age has ushered in an era of unparalleled opportunity and connectivity. Through online learning, students now have access to resources and educational opportunities that were once inaccessible.